011 452 6176
Serving the community for 30 years Registered NPO - Section 18A compliant Socio-economic development compliant
Sewing classes
We have operated many skills projects over the years and currently hold sewing classes in the afternoons to help people acquire life skills.
We have recently purchased industrial sewing machines and are acively seeking sewing projects that individuals or companies may require to be completed.
Sewing classes at Khanyisa
Sabelo Day care - Choir tunics made by the Kanyisa sewing school
Paradigm Shift
The Khanyisa Trust in collaboration with the Edenvale Methodist Church ran a skills upliftment program called Paradigm Shift.
Paradigm Shift is a business training initiative giving aspirant entrepreneurs the skills and confidence to start and run their own small businesses. The course runs for approximately six months and includes one day training sessions followed by eighteen weeks of ongoing training and support. Each training session addresses a business concept and life-skill.
The first course was completed in May 2019 and produced confident entrepreneurs in the areas of general sewing & dressmaking; tie dyed clothing; marketing services; take away food & catering; nail & beauty studio & treatments; a creche; industrial & office cleaning; events management, sound hire & services; health therapist services; motivation, counselling & mentoring support and renewable energy solutions.
Paradigm Shift training in action
Graduates of the programme
All items of clothing, handbag and umbrella made by N'Lemo Meda
Ad hoc training
Ad hoc training takes place in different forms, for example, one of the companies approached for job placements offered a pro bono panel beating course to 16 job seekers. This greatly assists these people in finding jobs as they now have a valued skill to include on their CVs.
Khanyisa has provided training to meet needs such as forklift driver, Hazchem and home helpers (domestic workers trained how to assist the bed ridden and infirm)